Robert Benson provides his analysis of the most successful Standard decks of Pro-Tour Atlanta

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Brad was born two months prematurely. He spent his first week in a NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) and went home at 4lbs 8oz. At three months of age he experienced a traumatic event that led to 12 days in a coma, and brain injury.
Team Constructed: a format that has been the center of controversy in Magic for almost a year now. But whether you agree or disagree with its existence, it’s still important to consider the unwritten rules of this interesting format.
I tried to stifle my excitement, and get back to studying, but I finally found my motivation to pass my exams: I was going to get my degree, and grind the SCG Tour.
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Jame Easteppe presents an Old School experience, for charity! Join him to get a glimpse of this growing throwback into MTG history.
Follow Mike Howe on his journey through Eternal Weekend 2017. Sneaking and Showing his way to 14th place. You won’t want to miss these twists.
Join Team TopDecked member Christopher Lates on his mono-white journey through a Win-a-Mox tournament to Top 8 at the MTGFirst Game Center.